Jun 24, 2015 Jori Chisholm Bagpipe Set Up, Competing & Performing, Exercises, Expression, Fingering & Technique, Learning Tunes, Practice Tips, Tone & Tuning, Tunes 32
People who consistently perform to their fullest potential leave nothing to chance. They know to prepare for everything both mentally and physically in all possible scenarios. But while preparing for...Feb 19, 2015 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Downloads, Exercises, Expression, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips, Uncategorized 15
Here on the Studio, we've focused on many important elements of technique: grace notes, doublings, and GDEs. In combination with your efforts to improve expression of the dot-cut, to keep your...Jan 04, 2015 Jori Chisholm Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips, Videos 8
Today's post features a new practice workout I've developed to help you make some big improvements in your piping fitness in just seven minutes per day. This new practice method is inspired by...Dec 16, 2014 Jori Chisholm Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Videos 47
In addition to the nine notes of the scale, bagpipe tunes contain some combination of these technical elements: gracenotes and strikes nine doublings (one for each note) the four bottom hand...Aug 12, 2014 Jori Chisholm Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips, Videos 4
Today's post features a new and powerfully simple way to exercise your birl. A strong, consistent birl is important for pipers of every ability level.Jun 13, 2014 Jori Chisholm Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Uncategorized, Videos 1
Today's post features a series of exercises to improve the strength, control and precision of the ring finger on your top hand. For most of us, the ring finger is the least coordinated of our...May 10, 2014 Jori Chisholm Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips, Videos 56
Today, we revisit a very important topic for pipers. We've talked a lot about the need for clean fingering, controlled tempos, separation of grace notes in doublings, and all those important details....Apr 27, 2014 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Exercises, Fingering & Technique 38
GDEs are a combination of gracenotes found almost everywhere in pipe tunes: jigs, reels, strathspeys, marches. Today let's do some important work on GDEs -- the foundation of many tunes. Today's...Apr 08, 2014 Jori Chisholm Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Videos 0
A common question for pipers concerns the size of grace notes. Should your grace notes be as small as possible? As big as possible? How big should they be? You might have been told by someone "really...Feb 06, 2014 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips 1
Today's post features a new exercise for developing strength, control, clarity, and consistency of thumb grace notes. Also called High A grace notes, the thumb grace note is the fourth most common...Here you’ll find hundreds of lessons, videos, audio files and more. This content is designed to help you learn and improve in every area of your piping. Not seeing a topic you’d like to learn more about?
Email me here and we’ll cover it in an upcoming lesson!