Jun 22, 2011 Community and Interactive,Practice Tips
We've all heard about the importance of deliberate goal-setting as a way to focus your practicing and to make sure you keep motivated and inspired to work and hard and make steady improvements. Today, let's think long term and take a few minutes to fast forward to one year from now. Imagine it is June 22, 2012. Envision where you want to be one year from now? Look around... where are you sitting? What are you wearing? What does your body look like (have you lost weight)? What do your pipes look like? What changes have you made in your equipment set up? What tunes are you working on? Ask yourself any specific questions that pertain to the bigger more general question: Where do you want to be with your piping one year from today? After you've taken some time to answer those important questions, let's take it to the next step by formulating some ...
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