Try these tips to solve your squealing chanter sound.
May 09, 2013 Audio Recordings,Bagpipe Set Up,Equipment & Gear,Fingering & Technique,Uncategorized
Today's lesson comes from an excellent question from a member: I have recently had trouble with the low G on my pipe Reed and I am having the same trouble with some new reeds as well. What happens is that on low G, when I use my high G grace note, it will chirp if there is slightly to much pressure but this pressure threshold is quite low. I am finding this to be the case on some new reeds as well. Of all of the sounds the you can produce from your pipes, none is less pleasing to the ear than the squeal. The squeal is a very loud, very high pitched sound that can be caused by several things. Have a listen to this famous (but will remain unnamed) piper: If you look at the waveform, the widest part of the sound wave at ~1.5 seconds (which represents the loudest sound) is that ...
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