The complete guide to getting your new pipes ready to play
Sep 19, 2014 Bagpipe Set Up,Equipment & Gear,Uncategorized
Today's post gives a detailed, step-by-step guide for getting a new set of pipes ready to play. You'll learn everything you'll need to know to get brand new set of pipes out of the box and go to go, including your list of needed tools and accessories. Let's get started! 1. Unboxing. The packaging depends on the maker and supplier of your pipes. The set pictured here is from maker Dave Atherton. Dave's protects his pipes during shipping by wrapping each piece individually in bubble wrap. 2. Identify the parts of the bagpipe. You should have 14 separate parts of your pipes. You'll only have 13 if you purchased the set as "sticks only" — which generally means no chanter. Five stocks (bass, two tenors, chanter, and blowpipe), two tenor drones (two sections), one bass drone (three sections), blowpipe. Some high-end pipe makers will label the tenor drones (outside vs. middle). Keep these distinct, and ...
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