Jun 30, 2011 Audio Recordings,Community and Interactive,Exercises,Fingering & Technique
Today's featured exercise: Power D Throws. The exercise follows the same 8-4-2-1 pattern as the other exercises in the Power series. D throws are extremely common to pipe tunes, and one of the first embellishments most pipers learn. It is a unique movement that can be played from any note and always ends on D. The best approach is the place the first note of the D throw (the low G) on the beat. Some pipers like to play the Low G very slightly ahead of the beat — okay, but this must be very subtle, don't overdo it. I recommend you practice playing the D throw with the Low G on the beat. There are two styles of D Throw, the light (or open) and the heavy (or closed). The Light D Throw is played: 1. Starting note 2. Low G 3. D grace note to C (lift three fingers and put down the index ...
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