A consistent and powerful birl is essential for every good piper. It can be a tricky movement to master due to the unique sequence of movements by the little finger on the bottom hand. Today's lesson unveils the secret to playing birls from the bottom hand notes — one of the most often misunderstood fingering combinations in piping. Many of the greatest and most challenging pipe tunes feature birls from Low G, B, and C. Below you'll find two videos, but you might want to take some time to review our previous lesson on The Birl. Video 1: A close-up look birls played from Low G, B, C, and D. Video 2: A detailed tutorial on how to play birls from the bottom hand. For a great practice exercise, revisit our ultimate birl workout Power Birls. How is it working for you? Please share your comments and questions below . . . and, as always, ...
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