Feb 08, 2015 Best of the Internet,Learning Tunes,Practice Tips,Videos
We all face the same challenge. How can we make the most of our limited practice time? We've all been there. You put in the practice time, but you aren't getting the results you are hoping for. It's not for lack of desire, motivation, or effort. You have a feeling that you could be practicing better, practicing smarter, practicing more efficiently. Today's post features some simple yet powerful tips for making effective progress towards any of your goals. Whether you are learning new tunes, just getting started, or refining your tunes for performance or competition, you can make big strides by implementing some of these practice tips. Remember: Practice is most effective when you focus on the quality not just the quantity. Practice smarter, so you can practice less. In this "Study Less Study Smart" video, psychology professor Marty Lobdell explains some proven methods for making the time you spend studying (a.k.a practicing) useful and ...
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