May 17, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Downloads, Learning Tunes, Practice Tips, Seminars, Tunes 14
I recently taught a 90-minute seminar called Learning Tunes Made Easy. Take a listen to the audio recording of the entire course and the questions and answers.May 16, 2011 Jori Chisholm Equipment & Gear, Practice Tips 6
I originally blogged about this a couple of years ago, and it still amazes me when I see pipers of all levels playing their pipes without ear protection. Pipes are loud. Hearing damage is cumulative....May 16, 2011 Jori Chisholm News & Announcements, Practice Tips 10
If you joined us for the original 30 Day Practice Challenge in March 2011, we covered many great topics but just scratched the surface. You might have felt there was TOO MUCH...May 15, 2011 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, Pipers Club 6
Join us for our Studio Pipers' Club — a monthly online get together where you can play a tune (via video of course), listen to other pipers, and share comments and inspiration....May 14, 2011 Jori Chisholm News & Announcements, Share Recordings 0
One of the best ways to improve your own playing is to make a recording and listen back to get an honest appraisal of your tunes — and of your strengths and challenges as a player. One of the great...Apr 05, 2011 Jori Chisholm General Discussion 4
It's been a few days since the last new post of the March 2011 30 Day Practice Challenge so I thought I'd check in and see how things are going.Mar 30, 2011 Jori Chisholm Bagpipe Set Up, Competing & Performing, Expression, General Discussion, Practice Tips 51
Welcome to Day 30 of the March 2011 30 Day Practice Challenge! Congratulations on making it to Day 30. We've covered lots of ground over the past month, but I feel like we've...Mar 29, 2011 Jori Chisholm Competing & Performing 43
Since many of the world's pipers are right in the middle of the competition season, with some of the most important competitions of the year coming in the next two months, I thought today would be...Mar 27, 2011 Jori Chisholm Tone & Tuning, Videos 36
Previously, we learned how to tune your drones together. Today, we'll take things to next level and show you how to tune your drones together and to match your chanter. IMPORTANT: As you know, when...Mar 26, 2011 Jori Chisholm Bagpipe Set Up, Tone & Tuning, Videos 25
"Pay or I play." Bagpipes are often the subject of jokes that make fun of the sound of the pipes. The comic of the piper who has has made a pile of money standing in front of a sign that reads "Pay...Here you’ll find hundreds of lessons, videos, audio files and more. This content is designed to help you learn and improve in every area of your piping. Not seeing a topic you’d like to learn more about?
Email me here and we’ll cover it in an upcoming lesson!