Sep 07, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Downloads, Learning Tunes, Tunes, Videos 15
I've had many requests for the sheet music for my composition The Macraes of Achmore. Here it is for the first time, exclusively for members of the Inner Circle! The tune was...Sep 05, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Competing & Performing, Videos 6
Most top solo pipers would agree that the world's most important solo competitions take place at the Northern Meeting at Inverness. Each year pipers apply for admission to this prestigious event....Sep 01, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Competing & Performing, Videos 2
I almost never miss the Birnam Highland Games. Birnam is a nice village in Perthshire, Scotland. The place and name are well-known because William Shakespeare mentioned Birnam Wood in Macbeth. I...Aug 29, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, General Discussion, News & Announcements, Videos 5
Yesterday, the piping world lost one of its greats and I lost a friend and mentor. Much will be written in the coming days and months about Alasdair Gillies and how he was quite possibly the greatest...Aug 27, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Competing & Performing, Videos 3
Another one of the bigger Highland Games in Scotland during the month of August is held in Crieff. It's a big and busy event with huge crowds, pipe bands, solo piping, and the full range of track,...Aug 20, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Competing & Performing, Videos 9
One of the great joys of piping in Scotland is the opportunity to compete and perform in some of the most beautiful places in the world. I almost never miss the Glenfinnan Highland Gathering, one of...Aug 18, 2011 Jori Chisholm Downloads, Featured, Tone & Tuning, Videos 1
Previously, we learned how to tune your drones together. Today, we'll take things to next level and show you how to tune your drones together and to match your chanter. IMPORTANT: As you know, when...Aug 14, 2011 Jori Chisholm Competing & Performing, Videos 1
Yesterday was the biggest even of the year for the pipe band world, The World Pipe Band Championships. I played with the six-time World Champion Simon Fraser University Pipe Band and we placed...Aug 09, 2011 Jori Chisholm Competing & Performing 3
I've arrived in Scotland for my annual competition tour! Over the next 4 weeks, I'll be posting some of my adventures as I travel around attending various competitions. As I get photos and...Aug 07, 2011 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, Competing & Performing, Share Recordings, Uncategorized, Videos 2
Today, let's meet our third Featured Piper of the Day: Reed Lancaster of Seattle, USA. Reed has been piping for over 5 years, he's a multi-instrumentalist, martial artist, and a police detective....Here you’ll find hundreds of lessons, videos, audio files and more. This content is designed to help you learn and improve in every area of your piping. Not seeing a topic you’d like to learn more about?
Email me here and we’ll cover it in an upcoming lesson!