Aug 12, 2014 Jori Chisholm Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips, Videos 4
Today's post features a new and powerfully simple way to exercise your birl. A strong, consistent birl is important for pipers of every ability level.Aug 08, 2014 Jori Chisholm Uncategorized 0
As the weeks and days countdown to an upcoming performance or competition, it sometimes feels like things are getting worse. Or you might feel that your deliberate practice often leads to a...Aug 03, 2014 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, Competing & Performing, News & Announcements 0
In a couple of days, I'll be heading to Scotland for some of the piping world's biggest and most important competitions. The first big event is the biggest of them all: The World Pipe Band...Jul 29, 2014 Jori Chisholm Downloads, Piobaireachd, Tunes, Videos 1
Today's post features a modern Piobaireachd written by the famous Pipe Major Donald MacLeod – Field of Gold. Included is a video performance of the tune, an audio lesson with a complete breakdown...Jul 25, 2014 Jori Chisholm Best of the Internet, Competing & Performing, Expression, Piobaireachd 0
I was recently interviewed by David Hester. David has contributed to the Studio with his MacDonald Piper series — an alternative approach to Piobaireachd playing. David asked me some interesting...Jul 20, 2014 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Downloads, Learning Tunes, Tunes, Videos 8
Today's post features an excellent 6/8 March written by the famous Pipe Major Donald MacLeod – Pipe Major Donald MacLean of Lewis. Included is a complete recording of the tune, an audio lesson with...Jul 14, 2014 Jori Chisholm Bagpipe Set Up, Special Offers, Tone & Tuning, Videos 52
The drone sound is a critical part of the overall tone of your instrument. Your drone reeds are a critical component in determining your drone sound and your comfort and enjoyment in playing your...Jul 11, 2014 Jori Chisholm Bagpipe Set Up, Competing & Performing, Tone & Tuning 12
Here on the West Coast we are approaching the hottest time of the year. And this weekend, we have a bit of a heat wave, with the recent forecasts for tomorrow's Kamloops Games approaching 100 degrees...Jul 06, 2014 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Competing & Performing, Learning Tunes, Piobaireachd 3
Memorization is an essential skill for all pipers. Unlike musicians in other traditions, pipers nearly always play their tunes from memory. In performance or competition, it's essential that your...Jun 27, 2014 Jori Chisholm Bagpipe Set Up, Equipment & Gear, Videos 0
Today's post features some tips to help you keep your bag from slipping down as you play. One of the keys to an enjoyable performance is an instrument that is set up properly and fits you well. An...Here you’ll find hundreds of lessons, videos, audio files and more. This content is designed to help you learn and improve in every area of your piping. Not seeing a topic you’d like to learn more about?
Email me here and we’ll cover it in an upcoming lesson!