Jun 13, 2017 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Exercises, Fingering & Technique 1
Today's post features a new exercise that will help you improve the control of your little finger on the bottom hand. The new exercise, Little Finger Control, will help you identify and eliminate the...May 08, 2017 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Community and Interactive, Piobaireachd 2
I received the exciting news today that I won first place in the Original Piobaireachd Music Composing Competition. The competition was organized by the Shasta Piping Society and co-sponsored by...Apr 27, 2017 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive 0
I’m giving away some amazing piping stuff as part of my first-ever BagpipeLessons.com Prize Giveaway. The $1,200+ in prizes include some of my most popular products and some of my favorite piping...Apr 26, 2017 J. David Hester Member Posts, Piobaireachd 1
This is the beginning of a series that is intended to help you, as a student of pibroch, grow confident in interpreting and performing from the primary sources of pibroch. Elsewhere I have shared...Apr 17, 2017 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Downloads, Exercises, Fingering & Technique 0
Today's post features a new exercise that will help you improve two important areas of your piping technique: doublings and crossing noises. The exercise combines elements of some of my favorite...Mar 28, 2017 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Learning Tunes, Tunes, Videos 0
Today's post features a two well-known tunes: a strathspey – Maggie Cameron — and a reel — Sandy Cameron. Included is a complete recording of the tune, a complete audio lesson on the tune with...Jan 25, 2017 Jori Chisholm Practice Tips, Tunes, Uncategorized, Videos 2
To learn tunes quickly and efficiently, you need a good system for taking notes on your tunes. Over the years, I developed a system for taking notes that is easy to use, makes note writing quick, and...Nov 30, 2016 John Verd Health and Fitness, Videos 0
Today's post is the fifth in our exclusive The Stronger, Fitter Piper series of videos — the world's first physical training program designed exclusively for pipers. The videos feature John Verd,...Nov 22, 2016 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Exercises, Featured, Fingering & Technique 10
Today's post combines a previous post on crossing noises with a new three-page crossing noise exercise called Power Crossings, and the updated worksheet called How to identify and eliminate crossing...Nov 04, 2016 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Bagpipe Set Up, Equipment & Gear, Tone & Tuning, Workshop 3
How do you want your bagpipe to sound? How would you define great bagpipe tone? How do you want your pipes to feel? How would you describe your perfect instrument setup? In today's post on the...Here you’ll find hundreds of lessons, videos, audio files and more. This content is designed to help you learn and improve in every area of your piping. Not seeing a topic you’d like to learn more about?
Email me here and we’ll cover it in an upcoming lesson!