Jul 09, 2011 Audio Recordings,Community and Interactive,Exercises,Fingering & Technique
So what's the difference between a grip and leumluath? Is there a difference? A grip is a low G based movement, played from any note to any note. It's very similar to the Taorluath. In fact, the grip is just a Taorluath minus the e grace note at the end of the movement. The grip is always the same except when the note prior to the grip is D — in that case the D grace note is replaced with a B grace note. The Grip is played: 1. Starting note 2. Low G 3. D grace note on Low G 4. Final note The starting note can be any note, the final note can be any note. The final note and starting note can be the same note or different notes. The grip is very versatile! So, what's a leumluath? A leumluath is a grip where the final note is E. The reason there ...
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