Jul 05, 2015 Best of the Internet,Community and Interactive,Featured,Fingering & Technique,General Discussion,Learning Tunes,Practice Tips,Self-Recording
Ever felt that you weren't getting the results you wanted out of your practice? Ever wondered why improvement in some skills and abilities seems to level off despite lots of practice time? Ever wished you could be more efficient with your practice time? If so, you won't want to miss today's lesson. I recently completed a fascinating book about the world of competitive memorizing. Moonwalking with Einstein: the art and science of remembering everything by Joshua Foer is a fascinating book has lots of useful information about the nature of memory and many tips for how to improve the limits of your own memory. The author enters the world of competitive memorizing about reaching plateaus in performance — what he calls the OK plateau — and how world-class performers, athletes and musicians breaking through their limits in performance. In the course of researching and writing the book, the author sets the new American record for ...
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