Introducing The Piper’s Ultimate Reed Poker (HD Video)
Aug 03, 2016 Bagpipe Set Up,Tone & Tuning,Videos
I'm really excited to launch my newest product, The Piper's Ultimate Reed Poker. Check out the video that gives a close-up look at the poker and demonstrates how you can use it save your reeds. One of the best-kept secrets of top pipers is the the specialized tool called a reed poker. You use it to save your pipe chanter reed when it starts to get too easy, chirps, squeals, or starts to sound sharp and thin. As you break in a new reed, it gets easier and more efficient. But the cane can get too soft — this is where the reed poker comes in. A small adjustment (we're talking 1/1000ths of an inch) to the metal staple inside the reed can bring a reed back to life, extending the playable life of the reed and giving you a brighter, crisper, stronger, more stable sound. The only way to do this is to open ...
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