In-Depth Analysis of a New Tune: Highland Wedding (2/4 March)
Sep 14, 2011 Community and Interactive,Downloads,Featured,Learning Tunes,Tune Workshop,Tunes,Videos
Today's featured tune is the classic six-parted (!) 2/4 march: Highland Wedding. You can download the sheet music for Highland Wedding. Print yourself at least two copies. Here's a video of the SFU Pipe Band, playing Highland Wedding at the 2009 World Pipe Band Championships. (I'm in there somewhere to the Pipe Major's left side.) Great tune, isn't it! It's considered one of the big, great competition tunes — composed by the legendary Angus MacKay, who was one of the inventors/pioneers of the competition 2/4 March idiom. Here's a recording of Highland Wedding played on the practice chanter. (Also, The SFU version is slightly different from the version on the sheet music). Now that we've listened to the tune, let's dive in to the details by looking at the repeating phrases and rhythmic patterns in the tune. (We did this before in a previous lesson— Learn tunes faster by highlighting your sheet music). So grab ...
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