How to warm up your pipes before performing (and what to do if you can’t warm up)
Nov 25, 2012 Bagpipe Set Up,Competing & Performing,Practice Tips,Tone & Tuning
Sometimes it seems that we pipers are constantly warming up. Warming up the fingers, warming up the drones, going over our tunes, etc. Other musicians seem to be able to pick up their instrument and play, so why do we pipers need so long to get our fingers and instrument ready to perform? Today's post focuses on what is really going on during that warm up session, provides some tips for speeding up the process, and gives some suggestions for what you can do if you need to perform with little or no warm up. If you hang around a piping competition or some other gathering of pipers, you'll usually see pipers involved in a wide range of activities as they get ready to play. Some of those activities can be avoided or streamlined, so you can warm up just enough to get your instrument and fingers ready but not so much that your pipes ...
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