Oct 16, 2014 Best of the Internet,Learning Tunes,Tunes,Videos
In today's post, we'll go over the basics of how to read pipe music. We'll look at some general topics in reading music and then focus on the specifics of reading pipe music. We'll take a look at pitch (or melody) and rhythm (or timing). We'll also discuss the meaning of various time signatures and rhythmic groupings commonly found in pipe tunes. To get started, let's watch this excellent video from the TED Talks education Series, TED-Ed. How to read music: Pipe music has only nine notes (from Low G to High A), but we have lots of interesting rhythmic groupings. Here's a bit more detail. Notes and Rhythm. Lesson 1: Note Values, Duration, and Time Signatures: Finally, let's watch this nearly 20-minute long video expanding on these topics with specific emphasis on pipe music. We'll look at the bagpipe scale, common time signatures and what they mean, and various rhythmic patterns. Then, we'll build ...
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