Jun 03, 2014 Audio Recordings,Competing & Performing,Videos
The pipe band medley has become the ultimate expression of a pipe band's creativity and musical vision. Over the past few decades, the pipe band has evolved to greater levels of sophistication, using multiple layers of harmonies and intricate changes of time signature. Today's post will look at some great pipe band medleys and the ways that they are different and (often surprisingly) similar. Solo pipers compete in different events, which allow them to display their skills in different styles of music. Solo events include: Piobaireachd, March-Strathspey-and-Reel, Hornpipe-Jig, and more. Pipe bands compete in the more traditional March-Strathspey-and-Reel (or Quick March Set in the lower grades) and the Medley competition. The medley is a more free-form event where the primary constraints are the time limit. Top grade bands have up to seven minutes to perform their medleys, lower grade bands have slightly shorter times. Great medleys are more than just a bunch of great tunes ...
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