Get Yourself and Your Pipes Ready for Playing Outside in Cold Weather
Nov 11, 2012 Bagpipe Set Up,Competing & Performing,Tone & Tuning,Videos
Piping at the Glenfinnan Highland Gathering. One of the world's most beautiful locations for a piping competition, but often very windy and cold, as it was in 2010. The pipes were designed to be played outdoors. And even though most of us live in cities or climates where we play inside most of the time, one of life's great pleasures is to play the pipes in one of those magical scenic spots. I've been fortunate to have been able to pipe in some pretty amazing places, like Glenfinnan — perhaps the world's most scenic Highland Games. Today's lesson revisits an important topic: getting you and your instrument ready to deal with the challenges of piping in cold weather. Sometimes playing the pipes outdoors can lead to some major challenges. As we know, the pipes are sensitive to environmental conditions like temperature and humidity. So you should be prepared when playing your pipes outdoors, especially in the ...
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