Cultivate the right mindset to maximize your potential
Dec 04, 2011 Best of the Internet,Community and Interactive,General Discussion
I've been reading a fascinating book called Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck. Her book and research tries to answer the question of why do some people seem to live up to their potential and others don't? Why do some people keep pushing themselves in the face of adversity and challenges and others give up? Why do some people enjoy working hard, receiving honest feedback (criticism), and find joy in the successes of others, and some people don't? Her book's fascinating hypothesis is that the answers to many of these questions might be explained by two contrasting views that people hold about the nature of their skills, abilities, and intelligence. Either that these traits are fixed and unchangeable or that they are something that can be improved and refined with hard work and good instruction. Here's an excellent diagram showing the difference between these two mindsets: The Fixed Mindset ...
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