Mar 21, 2015 Jori Chisholm Best of the Internet, Practice Tips 3
I recently came across an online course called "Welcome to Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects." The course is available for free on the educational portal...Feb 19, 2015 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Downloads, Exercises, Expression, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips, Uncategorized 15
Here on the Studio, we've focused on many important elements of technique: grace notes, doublings, and GDEs. In combination with your efforts to improve expression of the dot-cut, to keep your...Feb 08, 2015 Jori Chisholm Best of the Internet, Learning Tunes, Practice Tips, Videos 2
We all face the same challenge. How can we make the most of our limited practice time? We've all been there. You put in the practice time, but you aren't getting the results you are hoping for. It's...Jan 04, 2015 Jori Chisholm Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips, Videos 8
Today's post features a new practice workout I've developed to help you make some big improvements in your piping fitness in just seven minutes per day. This new practice method is inspired by...Nov 18, 2014 Jori Chisholm Best of the Internet, Community and Interactive, Practice Tips 0
Let's face it: sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated to work towards your goals. Or if you do practice, you might not feel like doing the stuff that needs to be done. In today's post, I'll...Oct 24, 2014 Jori Chisholm Best of the Internet, Practice Tips 3
I was recently teaching a lesson and my student (who is a member of this Studio) was struggling to play through his new tune on the practice. He became exasperated and finally exclaimed "I was just...Aug 19, 2014 Jori Chisholm Featured, Fingering & Technique, Learning Tunes, Practice Tips, Tunes 2
There are many things that go into the thorough and complete preparation of a tune for competition or performance: learning the technique, memorizing, getting the tune up to speed, proper expression,...Aug 12, 2014 Jori Chisholm Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips, Videos 4
Today's post features a new and powerfully simple way to exercise your birl. A strong, consistent birl is important for pipers of every ability level.Jun 08, 2014 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, General Discussion, Practice Tips, Videos 38
Let's revisit an important topic: deliberate practice. Deliberate practice is different than just playing your pipes. In his Fortune magazine cover story, Geoff Colvin defines deliberate practice as:...May 10, 2014 Jori Chisholm Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips, Videos 56
Today, we revisit a very important topic for pipers. We've talked a lot about the need for clean fingering, controlled tempos, separation of grace notes in doublings, and all those important details....Here you’ll find hundreds of lessons, videos, audio files and more. This content is designed to help you learn and improve in every area of your piping. Not seeing a topic you’d like to learn more about?
Email me here and we’ll cover it in an upcoming lesson!