Dec 04, 2011 Jori Chisholm Best of the Internet, Community and Interactive, General Discussion 3
I've been reading a fascinating book called Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck. Her book and research tries to answer the question of why do some...Nov 22, 2011 Jori Chisholm Best of the Internet, Community and Interactive, General Discussion, Practice Tips 6
I came across this interesting article and thought you'd enjoy reading it, too. The Bulletproof Musician: How Many Hours A Day Should You Practice. There are some interesting things to learn (or be...Oct 25, 2011 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, Competing & Performing, General Discussion 25
As part of this month's activities related to the Online Competition for November 2011, let's start a discussion about the pros and cons of competing. What are the benefits of...Oct 21, 2011 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, Competing & Performing, Featured, General Discussion, Learning Tunes 7
As part of our activities related to next month's online competition, I thought we could start with the important but often overlooked process of selecting tunes. The first question you need to ask...Sep 09, 2011 Jori Chisholm General Discussion, News & Announcements 14
What types of posts would you like to see more of here at the Studio? We need your suggestions!Aug 29, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, General Discussion, News & Announcements, Videos 5
Yesterday, the piping world lost one of its greats and I lost a friend and mentor. Much will be written in the coming days and months about Alasdair Gillies and how he was quite possibly the greatest...Jul 14, 2011 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, General Discussion, Learning Tunes, Self-Recording, Share Recordings, Tune Workshop, Videos 18
Bill Peters of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada is our first participant for the Studio Master Class. The concept of the Master Class has been around for generations. It is similar to...Jul 07, 2011 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, Equipment & Gear, General Discussion, Practice Tips 34
We all have bits of equipment that make our piping lives easier. What do you use that you couldn't live without? What are your favorite piping-related gadgets? Suggested items might include:...Jun 20, 2011 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, General Discussion, Learning Tunes, Self-Recording, Share Recordings, Tune Workshop, Videos 10
I'm looking for three pipers who want to submit videos for the very first Studio Master Class. The concept of the Master Class has been around for generations. It is similar to a...Apr 05, 2011 Jori Chisholm General Discussion 4
It's been a few days since the last new post of the March 2011 30 Day Practice Challenge so I thought I'd check in and see how things are going.Here you’ll find hundreds of lessons, videos, audio files and more. This content is designed to help you learn and improve in every area of your piping. Not seeing a topic you’d like to learn more about?
Email me here and we’ll cover it in an upcoming lesson!