Dec 18, 2012 Jori Chisholm Bagpipe Set Up, Community and Interactive, Featured, General Discussion, Practice Tips, Special Offers, Tone & Tuning 11
Last week, I received an email from Studio member David Hester. David was excited about some breakthroughs he'd recently made in his practicing, particularly regarding tuning and tone. I asked if...Dec 01, 2012 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, General Discussion 34
Thank you for all of your wonderful comments on the lessons on the Studio. The blog-style format has proved a great way to continue the discussion and grow our online community....Aug 21, 2012 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, Exercises, Fingering & Technique, General Discussion 2
It's the 21st of August, so let's do something fun: Twenty-one for Twenty first! Here are 21 objectives for today's practice: 1. Play 21 Power GDEs from each note 2. Play 21 E Doublings from F 3....Jun 05, 2012 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Community and Interactive, Fingering & Technique, General Discussion, Learning Tunes, Practice Tips, Seminars, Workshop 13
Here's the complete audio recording from a seminar I taught recently in New York City. The title of the class was "How to Practice." It covers many important topics including: what is practice...May 26, 2012 Jori Chisholm Best of the Internet, Competing & Performing, General Discussion 3
I just read this fascinating article on about some of the latest science on music and it's wide-ranging benefits for people who play and listen to music. Read the whole article here. Some of...Apr 09, 2012 Jori Chisholm Best of the Internet, General Discussion, Videos 13
Donald MacPherson has been called "The most outstanding competitive piper ever to have lifted a bagpipe." He recently retired from judging the top competitions in Scotland following an unmatched...Feb 26, 2012 Jori Chisholm Best of the Internet, Competing & Performing, Fingering & Technique, General Discussion, Practice Tips 1
I just came across an article about a recent study at the University of Colorado Boulder's Integrative Physiology department. The study suggests that continued practice of a task even after the task...Feb 23, 2012 Jori Chisholm Best of the Internet, Community and Interactive, General Discussion, Videos 3
We've all been there. You want to be good. You know what it sounds like to play well, to feel comfortable, to have confidence in your playing ability, to play with ease. You also know that often...Feb 10, 2012 Jori Chisholm Bagpipe Set Up, Community and Interactive, Equipment & Gear, General Discussion, Tone & Tuning 13
I received an email from Eric K., one of my Skype students and a member of the Studio with several questions that I thought would be perfect for sharing with everyone else. Thanks, Eric! If you have...Jan 01, 2012 Jori Chisholm Community and Interactive, General Discussion, News & Announcements 7
I would like to wish you a Happy New Year with best wishes for 2012! Thank you for being a part of the Studio and for your contributions to our growing online community. We have...Here you’ll find hundreds of lessons, videos, audio files and more. This content is designed to help you learn and improve in every area of your piping. Not seeing a topic you’d like to learn more about?
Email me here and we’ll cover it in an upcoming lesson!