Jan 22, 2012 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Downloads, Exercises, Expression, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips 9
The dot-cut rhythmic pattern comes up constantly in pipe music. It's been featured here in the Inner Circle several times (in a lesson called The Dot-Cut and in several other posts) and most...Jan 08, 2012 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Expression, Learning Tunes, Tunes 4
To follow up on our recent discussion of the Darado, let's take a look at the four-parted competition-style strathspey Susan MacLeod. A few years ago, I was asked by Pipes|Drums magazine to be a...Dec 20, 2011 Jori Chisholm Downloads, Exercises, Expression, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips 12
One of the most prominent features of pipe music is the dot-cut rhythmic pattern. Almost every type of pipe music has lots of dot-cuts. The exceptions are jigs and round reels and round hornpipes....Nov 18, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Downloads, Exercises, Expression, Fingering & Technique 14
Today's exercise features some intermediate to advanced level rhythmic patterns commonly found in 2/4 Marches, Strathspeys, and Reel. I hope you'll find lots of areas for potential improvement...Sep 19, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Expression, Practice Tips, Tunes 17
Previously, we looked at Strathspey Triplets — GDEs grace note combinations. Because of their rhythm, technique, and unique style of expression, strathspeys are some of the greatest and most...Mar 30, 2011 Jori Chisholm Bagpipe Set Up, Competing & Performing, Expression, General Discussion, Practice Tips 51
Welcome to Day 30 of the March 2011 BagpipeLessons.com 30 Day Practice Challenge! Congratulations on making it to Day 30. We've covered lots of ground over the past month, but I feel like we've...Mar 08, 2011 Jori Chisholm Expression, Fingering & Technique, Learning Tunes, Tunes, Videos 46
Here in the Inner Circle, we have looked at many tunes in depth. In the coming days, we'll be looking at even more, including reels. Reels fall into two basic categories: round (no dot-cuts) and...Here you’ll find hundreds of lessons, videos, audio files and more. This content is designed to help you learn and improve in every area of your piping. Not seeing a topic you’d like to learn more about?
Email me here and we’ll cover it in an upcoming lesson!