Feb 29, 2012 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings 2
Today's post presents a new setting of a beautiful slow air by Pipe Major William Ross, Leaving St. Kilda. Take a listen: The tune has always been played in this lovely 6/8 rhythm — which gives the...Feb 15, 2012 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Downloads, Expression, Learning Tunes, Tunes 6
Piobaireachd consists of some of the most ancient tunes in the pipers repertoire. However, just as the art of piobaireachd playing flourishes in our modern era, so too are modern piobaireachd being...Jan 25, 2012 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Equipment & Gear, Tunes, Videos 6
I've enjoyed my small pipes as a different way to play, with a different sound but using all of the same skills I've practiced on my Highland pipes. Here's a few tunes you may have heard before and a...Jan 22, 2012 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Downloads, Exercises, Expression, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips 9
The dot-cut rhythmic pattern comes up constantly in pipe music. It's been featured here in the Inner Circle several times (in a lesson called The Dot-Cut and in several other posts) and most...Jan 08, 2012 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Expression, Learning Tunes, Tunes 4
To follow up on our recent discussion of the Darado, let's take a look at the four-parted competition-style strathspey Susan MacLeod. A few years ago, I was asked by Pipes|Drums magazine to be a...Jan 04, 2012 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Exercises, Featured, Fingering & Technique 10
The number of notes and embellishments we use in pipes tunes is quite limited. We have: 9 notes grace notes and strikes 9 doublings (one for each note) 4 bottom hand, Low G based movements: grip,...Nov 18, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Downloads, Exercises, Expression, Fingering & Technique 14
Today's exercise features some intermediate to advanced level rhythmic patterns commonly found in 2/4 Marches, Strathspeys, and Reel. I hope you'll find lots of areas for potential improvement...Nov 08, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Community and Interactive, Competing & Performing, Self-Recording, Share Recordings, Tunes, Videos 14
Today you have the opportunity to post your recordings. Why? To share your music with others and receive some helpful feedback in the spirit of positive collaboration. Also, you'll have the...Oct 23, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Community and Interactive, Exercises, Fingering & Technique, Practice Tips 1
Today's exercise focuses on one of the piper's most feared note combinations: The Tachum. The tachum is generally defined as a D grace note from one note going down to the next note. Most often...Oct 11, 2011 Jori Chisholm Audio Recordings, Community and Interactive, Competing & Performing, Pipers Club, Tunes, Videos 13
Here's the complete video of my recent performance in Canberra, Australia. The concert was part of a weekend festival organized by the Canberra College of Piping and has grown to one of the biggest...Here you’ll find hundreds of lessons, videos, audio files and more. This content is designed to help you learn and improve in every area of your piping. Not seeing a topic you’d like to learn more about?
Email me here and we’ll cover it in an upcoming lesson!