Jul 14, 2014 Bagpipe Set Up,Special Offers,Tone & Tuning,Videos
The drone sound is a critical part of the overall tone of your instrument. Your drone reeds are a critical component in determining your drone sound and your comfort and enjoyment in playing your pipes. Your ideal drones: sound rich, smooth, and full take only a few minutes to warm up and stabilize remain steady over time as you play remain steady vs. any bag pressure variations play easily and deliver a consistent tone in a wide range of environmental conditions (warm, cool, humid, dry, etc.) allow you to start and stop your pipes easily Watch this video for a detailed view of traditional cane and a comparison of several different types of modern synthetic drone reeds. My favorite set of drone reeds that I've ever played is the combination of the newer style Ezeedrone bass reed and the standard style Ezeedrone tenor reeds. Here's a video about that set and here's the link to ...
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