A Piper’s Worst Nightmare (it could happen to you!)
Mar 18, 2014 Bagpipe Set Up,Equipment & Gear,Uncategorized
A student sent me these photos of his recent misfortune. It can happen in an instant but is easily preventable, too. The email to me read like this. Subject: 🙁 It was so stupid and so fast. (Photos attached.) Here's what happened . . . after a nice long practice, he went to remove his chanter from the stock and grabbed it from the bottom of the chanter instead of the top. Rule #1: Never grab the chanter from the bottom! You will probably get away with it on a plastic chanter, but a wood chanter is quite thin and very fragile, especially near the top. So, make it a habit to only ever remove your chanter by holding the widest part at the top of the chanter, never the bottom. I recommend this even if you've never owned a wood chanter — some day you might get one and you are better off with ...
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